
Imam Al-Ghazali (ইমাম গাযযালী (রহ:)) Bangla Books

Imam Al-Ghazali was a Persian scholar and philosopher. He is also known as one of the most influential Muslims of Islamic history.

Prophet (PBUH) told us that in every century a renewer of Islamic faith will come who will restore Islamic teachings. Imam Al-Ghazali is considered to be one of those renewers of his time and for later generations also. He was born in 1058 in Persia. He died in 1111 only at the age of 53. But within that small time, he wrote more than seventy books on Islamic philosophy and other areas.

His most important book is “Ihya Ulum al-Din”. It covers almost all major fields of Islam. It’s a giant book and the most studied book after Quran and hadith. Imam Nawawi said about this book : "Were the books of Islam all to be lost, excepting only the Ihya', it would suffice to replace them all." Imam Ghazali translated “Ihya Ulum al-Din” in Persian to a shorter version named “Kimyaye Sadat”.

Imam Al-Ghazali Books

1. আখেরাত (Life After Death)

2. দাকায়েকুল আখবার

3. Destruction Of Tongue (জবানের ক্ষতি)

4. Hope Of Blessing And Fear Of Punishment (আযাবের ভয় ও রহমতের আশা)

5. Misery And Greed For Wealth (ধন সম্পদের লোভ ও কৃপণতা)

6. Mishkatul Anwar-Source Of Light (আলোর দীপাধার)

7. Patience And Thankfulness (সবর ও শোকর)

8. Reality Of Creation (সৃষ্টি দর্শন)

9. Ruh Ki Ebong Kemon - Hakikate Ruh (রূহ কি এবং কেমন)

10. Show Off Worship (রিয়া - লোক দেখানো ইবাদত)

Ihya Ulum al-Din Books

1. Ihya Ulum al-Din Book Volume 1 (17.2 MB)

2. Ihya Ulum al-Din Book Volume 2 (23.7 MB)

3. Ihya Ulum al-Din Book Volume 3 (21 MB)

4. Ihya Ulum al-Din Book Volume 4 (23.6 MB)

5. Ihya Ulum al-Din Book Volume 5 (16.6 MB)

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